Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Character Select Playable
For this project, EA wanted a very short but engaging playable ad that demonstrated both the game's progression system and iconic roster of playable characters. Because mobile ads have such a short amount of time keeping the viewer's attention, our team decided to focus on showcasing just Luke and Darth Vader. We also simplified the game's upgrading/leveling systems into pressing a singular "Train" button. After pressing the button a few times, particle effects, sounds, and animations would play to signify that either Luke or Darth Vader was ready for combat. The screen would then lead into a traditional gameplay trailer.
This was also one of the first projects where I had to create the illusion of a 3D game in Tresensa's 2D game engine. Below, you can see how I cut up the 3D renders of Luke and Darth Vader in photoshop to create a 2D rig in Spine.
Art and Animation for Luke and Darth Vader