Farmville 3 Crop Harvest and Animal Feed Playable
For this playable, Zynga wanted me to pitch three different concepts that promoted the newest features/mechanics found in Farmville 3. The video on the left shows the most recent build which focuses on harvesting crops and feeding animals.
Below you can see my initial pitches and the one that got selected for production. I worked closely with Zynga's Senior Multimedia Designer and Director of Project Management to make sure my art and animations aligned with their vision for this ad. I was given a large amount of both video/3D assets from Zynga's artists and had to figure out how to translate them into sprites/animations that would work with Tresensa's custom 2D game engine.
Initial Mock Ups / Pitches for Zynga
Idea 1:
Farmville 3 adds a large cast of farmhands that players can hire to aid their farm. In this playable, players can tap specific spots on the screen to place farmhands and build their respective work stations onto the ground.

Idea 2:
Due to Farmville 3's huge visual overhaul with higher fidelity models and effects, simple actions such as harvesting crops feel more dynamic than ever. In this concept, players tap and drag their finger over fully grown plots and see their harvest whiz into their silo.

Idea 3:
There is a large focus on breeding both farm and exotic animals in Farmville 3. Baby animals are then dropped by a stork in-game. Inspired, I thought a baby delivery mini game where you play as the stork would be a unique experience.

selected idea:
After reviewing my mock ups, Zynga told me to expand upon idea 2 by increasing the amount of crops that can be harvested on screen. While Zynga liked the other options, they felt the tap and drag mechanic emulated Farmville 3 gameplay the best. A few months later our team also added a new stage/screen to the playable where players have to feed hungry animals with the crops they harvested.

Animations made for feeding animal / promo screens

Left to right:
Cow idle
Cow Jumping
Cow Promo
Cow Mesh Animation Test

Left to right:
Llama idle
Llama Jumping
Llama Promo

Left to right:
Marie Promo
Marie Mesh Animation Test